The beauty of literature

The beauty of literature

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The issues raised by Hughes in his poems.

Langston Hughes (1902-1967) was the first black writer in America to earn his living from writing. Born in Joplin, Missouri. He was brought up with his separated parents. He attended Columbia University from 1921-1922 but left, because he was illtreated by his white peers. Hughes experience himself of racial discrimination from the white society. The poem "Dinner Guest:Me" is about Langston being invited to a fancy restaurant by a white person and the two of them are discussing race. It clearly shows when he says 'Asked the usual questions' and how the white person is embarrassed to be white. A black person in a fancy restaurant was a big deal back in those days. They are not only have to wait for the service in the restaurant, but their discussion is about the answer to race relations and in the end of the poem he says; the answer to the problem is to wait.   In the poem "Cross",Hughes touched on the psychological hardships of being a mixture of black and white descent. He didn't deny the anger that a person would feel toward his parents for creating a mixed child.  The issues facing not only African Americans but mixed Americans during the 1900s were chronic and painful.  To Hughes being mixed added on another challenge and hurdle that one had to overcome in the already prejudiced America.
As for the poem"Harlem"  I noticed that a dream is something wonderful in the beginning, but then as time passes by and it is forgot about it becomes something somewhat of a burden. The poem describes the befores and afters of a dream deferred. During the time period of the Harlem Renaissance, blacks were not treated as fairly as whites. This is why Harlem became the birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement. The people were tired of being put down, so they decided to stand up for their rights. African Americans were treated unfairly. African Americans were treated the opposite of whites. They were segregated and discriminated because of the color of their skin. In Langston Hughes’ poem, he describes this unfair treatment as " a festering sore."(4) This means that while the whites were being treated fairly, the African Americans were being put down, and were not able to voice their opinions or even stand up for themselves.

Iroquois:The Girl Who Was Not Satisfied With Simple Things

The girl in the story is not satisfied with the looks of the men who come to propose her rather than their characters and attitude. She is only concern about the men's appearance and at last end up with a man who is actually a serpent. What I have learnt from the story is "Don't Judge The Book By Its Cover". You can ignore or let go a person by just looking at their looks. Good heart and good behaviour are much more important than the appearance. These are the important things that the girl failed to see in a person. The girl's problem is not only experienced by native Americans but it is a universal experience. Girls nowdays always end up with problems in relationship because they only see the outer look of a person and not their actual attitude. They are not satisfied with simply things in life but end up with worst things in life. They must be happy with what they have and try to adapt themselves with the situations. This will give them peaceful in life and their life will be meaningful. Always remember that god has given us the best in life and try to appreciate every single things in life. 

About Erica Jong's Poem"For My Husband"

Erica Jong’s poem, “For My Husband” just as her many other works, is lustful and provocative. However, most of her poems often controversial look at where women have been, where they are now, and where they are going as they approach the new millennium.
There were many critics about Jong's work. Many people did not feel at ease with her boldness. But there is no denying her serious intent.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The biography of Erica Jong

Beyond the Zipless Fuck With Erica Jong

BornErica Mann
(1942-03-26) March 26, 1942 (age 70)
New York, New York,
United States
Pen nameErica Jong
Occupationauthor and teacher
Genresprimarily fiction and poetry
Notable work(s)Fear of Flying, Shylock's Daughter, Seducing the Demon
Spouse(s)Kenneth David Burrows
ChildrenMolly Jong Fast

Jong is best known for her first novel, Fear of Flying (1973), which created a sensation with its frank treatment of a woman's sexual desires.  Her works always touches about the conflicts arising in women in today's world, of womanhood, femininity, love, one's quest for freedom and purpose.
She is an outspoken and thought-provoking. She is very bold in delivering her messages on women issues. I think her poems such as "For My Husband" and "The Rose" are not suitable to teach Malaysian students because it touches about women's freedom towards man and women's desires which is not suitable for Malaysian culture. Her thinking and messages are more suitable for western culture.

How to use folktales in classroom

Students learn English through many different methods. The best method of learning is different for each person, therefore, it is best when an ESL teacher utilizes many different learning strategies. One method of teaching English is using folktales. A folk tale is a short story that comes from the oral tradition.  Folk tales often have to do with everyday life. Folktales also known as any belief or story passed on traditionally, especially one considered to be false or based on superstition. In many cases, like in the folk tales we've selected, the characters are animals with human characteristics. We can use the activities below to teacher folktales.
- Making picture cards.
-Doing role play.
- Making big book
-using jigsaws
-story strips
-vocabulary list
-crossword puzzle
-story board
-sketches of the character                                                 
The learning of folktale can be interesting if the teacher can create a condusive environment and plan activities which can cater the different needs of the pupils.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The issues in the story "The Son of the The Turtle-Spirit

This story is a very interesting story where it talks about a love between a turtle which turned to be a man later and the woman whom he loved. The woman bear a child with special power and strength. It has a lot of values to be shared like making good use of the opportunities, work for your own success, rely on your own strength and many more. The issues that I would like to highlight are as following:

* A frog turns out to be a man.
*The woman's disaggrement of the affair and kill the turtle.
* To bear a child of a turtle.
*The child braveness to take the challenge.
*The boy succeed in the task given with his mother's help and support.
*Able to become the emperor at the young age because of his special strength.

What I have realised from the story is Don't underestimate anybody by looking at one's age and appearance. If one has the strength and braveness, nothing is impossible in life. When I read the story, I remembered the story of A Frog turned into A Prince. The story line is totally different but the character is similar where an animal changed to human.

The moral value of the story "Androcles"

All children, especially younger kids, enjoy reading fables, fairy tales, and stories where animals are the main characters. This is shown by the great success of Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters. One of the best sources of stories about moral values can be found in Aesop's Fables. These short stories which mostly involve animal characters are simple in expression, and they convey the truth of human life. In the fable Androcles and the Lion, students will learn that gratitude and compassion are the signs of a noble soul. The moral value that i have seen in the story is never forget the person who helps us when we are in trouble. A person's good deed will definitely help him in any critical situation that he endeavour. Don't hesitate to help a person who is in trouble. Your good deed will be rewarded one day. 

The moral value of the fable "The Jay and the Peacock".

No one is perfect. In life we tend to do many mistakes but always except the nature of one self and don't try to hide yourself by imitating others. It will be disgraceful. Like the Jay in the story, pick up the feathers of peacock and tied them all to his tail then strulled down towards the peacock.  But at the end, people will still discover the truth.  The moral value that we can learn from the story is "Be Ourself.  Do not compare with other people. Always be thankful to god's creation. Each one of us are uniquely made. You must realised that you cannot be somebody else by just imitating some of their appearances. One's nature cannot be changed. Be happy with what you have and try to make yourself a better person.  

The Moral value of the fable "The Fox and The Crow".

Fable is a short allegorical narrative making a moral point, traditionally by means of animal characters who speak and act like human beings.There are many well known fables from Malaysia such as "Kancil and The Farmer", "Kancil and The Elephant" and "Kancil and The Crocodile".
When I was young, I was attracted with the story "Kancil and The Crocodile". I like to read the story again and again. The first thing which impressed me was the kancil's intelligency to trick the crocodile. The moral value that i have learnt from that story was, if you are a quick thinker, you can escape from any danger. As for the story "The Fox and The Crow" which is a famous fable among young children also has moral values. The moral value which I identified from the story is 'Don't be too fasinated with praises'. One must think, why a person praises us out of sudden. Don't simply melted by praises and become the victim of the situation.