The beauty of literature

The beauty of literature

Friday, April 6, 2012

The issues in the story "The Son of the The Turtle-Spirit

This story is a very interesting story where it talks about a love between a turtle which turned to be a man later and the woman whom he loved. The woman bear a child with special power and strength. It has a lot of values to be shared like making good use of the opportunities, work for your own success, rely on your own strength and many more. The issues that I would like to highlight are as following:

* A frog turns out to be a man.
*The woman's disaggrement of the affair and kill the turtle.
* To bear a child of a turtle.
*The child braveness to take the challenge.
*The boy succeed in the task given with his mother's help and support.
*Able to become the emperor at the young age because of his special strength.

What I have realised from the story is Don't underestimate anybody by looking at one's age and appearance. If one has the strength and braveness, nothing is impossible in life. When I read the story, I remembered the story of A Frog turned into A Prince. The story line is totally different but the character is similar where an animal changed to human.

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