The beauty of literature

The beauty of literature

Friday, March 30, 2012


I did my position paper based on the story "Lamb to Slaughter" by Roald Dahl. I like the story very much because the ending of the story is unexpected. It reflects the changes of human nature. The story is unpredictable. The story shows us that human feelings can be blown away with any fit of cruel wind. I was very surprized with the changes of Mary Maloney character after knowing the truth. She is the protagonist of the story. As in the story, Mary Maloney who loved her husband and always thought and waited for him with anxiety, wasted no time to kill him cruelly. The story line shows the changes of Mary Maloney's character by stages- before knowing her husband's affair, after knowing her husband's affair and after the murder. The story tells us that nobody could raise a finger of suspicion on Mary Maloney as there was no evidence against her. The best part of the story is her act on destroying the evidence by asking the detective to eat the lamb which is used as a weapon to kill her husband. The policemen and detectives themselves have not  thought that they were the destoyers of the evidence. When I did the position, i understood each and every parts of the story.    

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