The beauty of literature

The beauty of literature

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Online Task 1

a)List some of the well-known folktales from Malaysia.
-Puteri Gunung Ledang
- Pak Pandir
- Si Tanggang
- Pa'Kadok
b)List some of the possible issues found in The Son of the Turtle Spirit.
* A frog that turns out to be a man.           
* The woman's disaggrement of the affair and kill the turtle.
* To bear a child of a turtle.
* The child braveness to take the challenge.
* The boy succeed in the task given with his mother's help and support.
* Able to become the emperor at the young age because of his special strength.
 What I have realised from the story is don't underestimate anybody by looking at one's age and
 appearance. If one has the strength and braveness, nothing is impossible in life.
c)Are those issues universal in nature or are they only relevant in the Chinese culture?          
Those issues are universal in nature and not only relevant in the Chinese culture. No one can bear             
with a man who is actually a turtle. But as a mother, she cannot ignore the son even though his
father is a turtle. As a mother she has given all the support and helped him to accomplished the task          
given to him. In all the cultures, mother will be always there to support their children in what so ever situations.

2. Fable
a) What are the other morals that can be gotten from the other fables by Aesop?
List at least two.        
'Androcles' - Your good deed will be rewarded one day.
'The Jay and the Peacock' - Be Ourselves and Don't Imitate Others.

3. Myths
a) One well-known literary figure from the Elizabethan age used Ovid's Pyramus and Thisbe as a model to one of his famous plays. Who is he and what is the play?
Shakespeare and his play Romeo and Juliet.
4. Legends
a). List some of the popular legends we have in Malaysia
-Hang Tuah 
- Mahsuri 
- Puteri Gunung Ledang

b)i. Who is Thomas Malory?
Sir Thomas Malory (c.1405-14 March 1471) was the author of the most famous work of Arthurian literature, "Le Morte D'Arthur".      
ii.When was Le Mort d'Arthur written?
Sir Thomas Malory  started work on Le Morte D'Arthur while he was in prison in the early  
1450s and completed it by 1470. First published in 1485 by William Caxton. It is a
compilation of Romance tales about legendary King Arthur,Guinevere, Lancelot and Knights of
the Round Table. 
iii.How many books/parts are there in LMDA?
Early there were 8 books by Thomas Malory and separated into 21 books now. 

iv.What is book 8 about?
'The Death of Arthur'

v.Who were the two people who had an affair?
Lancelot and Guinevere.
vi.Book 6 has a strong connection to a popular modern fiction which is now a
movie. What is the title of the popular modern fiction?
King Arthur (2004) and Merlin: Lancelot and Guinevere. 

vii.State three well-known facts about King Arthur/ his time as a King.       
The Round Table- King Arthur ordered the Round Table to be built in to
order resolve a conflict among his knights concerning who should have precedence.  
All seats at the Round Table were favoured places, and all were equal. The 
Knights of the Round Table were served their food as equals and none of them  
could boast that he had a seat of higher dignity than that of any of his fellow
Knights.The Round Table was not only a physical table, but was also the
highest Order of Chivalry at the Court of King Arthur.                            
Excalibur - King's Arthur's sword.
Guinevere- King's Arthur's wife
5.Think of 2 ways in which you can use folktales/fables/myths or legends in the
classroom. Explain briefly.
Way 1 - Do a scrap book based on one character.
Pupils are to do a scrap book individually.
Pupils are to choose one of their most favourite character from the folktale and do a
scrap book.

Way 2 - Do Big Book
Pupils are to create a Big Book in a groups.
Pupils are to simplify the story in the fables and do Big Book.
Pupils are to draw the pictures and write in big words.                     

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